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SkyShare Test Connection - Free Downloads


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Hi all,

If you would like to test and see if you and your partner can establish a connection to use SkyShare before purchasing, I've built server and client test files for you to run. They are command line console programs that simply just connect to each other - you can use this to see if you will be able to successfully connect to your partner, or if there is something blocking your connection (e.g. antivirus / firewall). 

They are attached to this forum post. Download and run - that's it! 

Before running the program(s) -- ensure whomever is running the server has port 32000 forwarded as TCP in their router. 


SkyShare Test Connection.zip

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Henry C.

CEO & Code Team Lead

Forest Studio Co., a division of Enrych Media Ltd. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just realized that members are not able to download the Test Connection within this forum. This is my oversight with the permissions; apologies to those of you who were trying to download this for the inconvenience. This has now been fixed. 

You must sign-in in order to download the test files. 


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Henry C.

CEO & Code Team Lead

Forest Studio Co., a division of Enrych Media Ltd. 

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